Judge Candidates to Debate


Candidates running for San Francisco Superior Court judge will face off in a public forum on December 7


San Francisco - Multiple community groups have joined together to provide a forum where all four candidates running to serve as San Francisco Superior Court judges in the March 2024 election can address the public.  Incumbent Judge Patrick Thompson will debate Assistant District Attorney Jean Myungjin Roland, while Judge Michael Begert will debate attorney Chip Zecher.  This is the first judicial debate of this election cycle. 

This debate is the public’s opportunity to hear the candidates’ qualifications, views on crime and visions of our justice system. Retired judge Quentin Kopp will also speak separately on the role of the judiciary.  The event will cap off with speakers on both sides of two critical public safety issue ballot measures, the fate of which voters will decide in the March election. The ballot measures address police staffing and use of crime-fighting technology.

The event will take place on December 7 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm at the San Francisco County Fair Building,1199 9th Ave (just inside Golden Gate Park).  It is sponsored by the Chinese American Democratic Club, Stop Crime Action, Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, Fishermen’s Wharf Community Benefit District, West of Twin Peaks Central Council, SHARP, SOAR, D2Unite, SUN, SensibleD7, Hi5D5, Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association and other civic groups. 

This debate is an important step in helping voters get a better understanding of these judicial candidates’ view on important public safety issues that impact us all.

Judge Candidate Debate and Public Safety Ballot Measures

The very first debate of the San Francisco election cycle happens this coming Thursday, December 7. All candidates running for Superior Court judge in March of 2024 will be debating at a public meeting sponsored by various community groups.

Do You Know Who Your Judges Are, and Their Performance on Criminal Justice Cases?

Judge Patrick Thompson will be debating Assistant District Attorney Jean Myungjin Roland, and Judge Michael Begert will be debating attorney Albert "Chip" Zecher. This is your opportunity to hear their qualifications and points of view on crime in San Francisco, and ask your questions of the debaters.

Retired Judge Quentin Kopp will also provide a separate presentation on how the San Francisco Superior Court operates.

There will also be speakers pro and con on critical public safety ballot measures that San Franciscans will vote on in the March election, including on police staffing increases and use of crime fighting technology. 

San Francisco's Safety Crisis: A Deep Dive into Public Safety Challenges and the Role the Police Commission Plays

Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30pm
Location provided upon RSVP

Lou Barberini, Investigative Writer and former SFPD
Lt. Tracy McCray, SFPD P.O.A. President
Thomas Mazzucco, former Police Commissioner

Public safety clearly affects every area of life, from tourism to industry to quality of life in the city.  Without it, nothing seems to work.  We have heard a lot recently about the staff shortages at SFPD and issues with judges and even some state laws…but we have not really heard about a small commission with an oversized impact on our public safety, namely the Police Commission. 

At this event we will look at what this group of appointees can and cannot do and how they impact public safety and our SFPD. Our experienced panelists will discuss the why the Police Commission exists, their policies that are affecting public safety, what you can do to get involved, and where there’s hope for the future.

Co-Hosted By: Sunset United Neighbors, StopCrimeSF, Advocates11, IconicD3, SensibleD7, Hi5D5 & San Francisco Small Business Alliance

Oppose the Appointment of a Biased Judge to Appeals Court!

Governor Newsom is considering appointing Linda Colfax as an Associate Justice for the 1st District Court of Appeal.

The public is increasingly aware of just how important an unbiased, law-abiding judiciary is, as we see drug dealers and other violent criminals released over and over.  We need to be vigilant about who is elected AND appointed.

Judge Colfax, as a sitting San Francisco Superior Court judge regularly presides over cases directly related to public safety, and has too often failed to demonstrate a balanced approach through decisions that do not adequately protect crime victims and the general public but instead favor repeated and dangerous criminal defendants.

Elevation of a judge to the appellate bench should be based upon a consistent record of, among other things, following the law and respecting all who come before the court.  Judge Colfax does not have that kind of record. If you are concerned about the quality of judges making decisions in SF and California, voice your opinion before it is too late. Click here to send an email to Governor Newsom and for more information about judge Colfax.